As a bioMérieux customer, you’ve experienced the impact that our instruments can bring to your microbiology workflow. But did you know you can take the value of every instrument even further by ensuring you have the right combination? We’ve taken care to design a complete automated microbiology lab workflow with instruments and services that work together in perfect harmony. So, let’s do a little recap of what’s available – including the very latest – so you can imagine your ultimate workflow.

From collection to identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, bioMérieux’s microbiology offer is optimized with WASPLAB® at the heart. Starting with the WASP® instrument, WASPLAB® offers infinite flexibility with modules, features and capacity to seamlessly integrate other bioMérieux solutions, for ideal workflow whatever your focus.
2) WASPLAB® modules: The foundations
The WASPLAB® modules are designed to give you everything you need – without what you don’t need (or don’t need now, you can always add later).
- The WASP (Walk-Away Specimen Processor) is a flexible open-platform to address all aspects of automated pre-analytic microbiology specimen processing.
- The WASPLAB smart incubator automates the entire incubation and imaging phases with intelligent plate management and the right conditions for better colony growth.
- The WASPLAB image acquisition technology uses a highly sophisticated lighting and camera system with excellent camera optics, zoom, and multiple lighting systems to best capture images.
- The PhenoMATRIX™ expert module automatically recognizes microorganisms using advanced algorithms, with your rules to read, interpret and sort bacterial cultures at the click of a button.
- The Colibrí™ automated colony picking module standardizes picking for integration with ID/AST.
3) CULTURE MEDIA: Manual and automated solutions for what you need, when
You’ve got choices when it comes to culture media:
- Use LBM™ (Liquid-based media) with WASP® for any kind of samples and protocols with both manual and automated methods – whatever you need at the moment.
- Use the CHROMID® range of pre-poured plate media with PhenoMATRIX™ for accurate and fast automated reading.
4) ID & AST WORKFLOW: Streamline solutions
For ID & AST workflow, VITEK® solutions work great with WASPLAB! The VITEK® MS PRIME mass spectrometry system, offers single-choice microbial identification in minutes – you can then complete with VITEK® 2 for AST. The WASPLAB Colibrí module takes care of standardized colony picking for both VITEK MS PRIME and VITEK 2 AST sample preparation.
6) BLOOD CULTURE: Faster, easier, safer
The WASP instrument manages blood culture automatically, safely and rapidly. BC+ ™ vacuum tubes with LBM ensure safe transfer from positive bottles and WASP’s random access sorts out positive blood samples for immediate processing.

Striving for your ultimate workflow means selecting the right combination of solutions for your lab, but it also means ensuring harmony among instruments with streamlined processes. Even more, lab technicians must be empowered with confidence in the instrumentation and their skilled use of it. Enter bioMérieux Lab Consultancy Services. Tailored to your specific needs, experienced consultants work with you to design your lab for today and tomorrow.